Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Alirglronaturc - Amoeba Who Hunger For Human Souls


No. Enc.: 1d6
Move: 120'(40’)
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d4 (plus special)

Even with the latest in Super Science screens, travel between star systems in hyper dimensional realities can still be very hazardous. The Alirglronaturc is one such hazard. A visitor to the fuzzy foam like reality of hyper space this native to the Outer Darkness is completely mindless.Yet one of the most feared predators of space travel!
The reason is simple each time a ship enters hyper space it travels along the curve of hyperspace & then re emerges into real space. These creatures dwell within the angles of this region & are attracted to the soul stuff of the humanoid life force. They instantly latch onto the astral signature of those exiting hyperspace with faulty screens or star ship fields. The infected may not even be aware of their issues until it is too late.
Random symptoms chart roll 1d10
  1. Soul Rot -The creature creates a small hole within the astro protective field surrounding the human soul & begins to each the soul from the inside out.Each day 1d6 points of damage occurs unless a save vs death is rolled. Super sciene will have to be used to heal this type of infection 
  2. Perceptional blindness - The victim's higher reality matrix is damaged & they must make a save vs death ray or begin to suffer from delusions of persecution & space madness. The victim has a vague purple blue cast around the eyes 
  3. Existence Displacement - The character's very existence begins to rot away as bits & pieces of them stop existing within their current timeline. The character suffers -2 to all skill checks as the pain is excruciating. Eventually they will completely fade away within 1d3 days 
  4. Aural Cancer - The soul's natural defense system is stripped away within 1d4 days & the person is subject to attack by astral parasites. The victim suffers from damage to their psyche followed by madness, & death within 1d4 days 
  5. Time Replay & Run off-The victim sees events that have already happened & are caught within a temporal loop. The victim sees events in a distorted & depressing manner. Madness & suicide often result. The person weaves in & out of present reality every 1d3 rounds.
  6. Vision Rot - The person's reality gives into the greater reality of the Outer Darkness resulting of some of the baser planar demons taking an interest within the victim. They may only see the Outer Darkness & not their current reality. They may wander into a psychic hole & become lost.
  7. Spectra Infection - The victim is stripped of any protection from the planar winds & becomes infected with strange radiations that result in uncontrolled energy emissions each doing 1d6 points of damage every 2d6 rounds. The character is subject to random mutation as well(use Mutant Future for possible side effects) 
  8. Phantom Limb -One or more limbs disappears into a nearby dimensional space there is a 20% chance that some random planar monster will eat said limb. The limb with randomly phase in & out of normal space time. 
  9. Ghost Company - The character is infected with the planar remains of those killled by them. These spirits will be vengeful & try to usher the victim into joining them. If exorcised new spirits will join the character start the cycle again. 
  10. Total Protonic Inversion - Every atom with the character's body jumps suddenly to the left doing 1d8 points of damage. The character loses planar stability & slides through any material present. The character must be repeatedly blasted with energy weapons to maintain his form within the normal space time continuum. These weapons do no actual damage because the character's form is an energy sponge! 
    Only super science & thousands of credits worth of medical treatments will free a character from this dreaded infection unless multiple saves are made over extended game sessions


  1. Very cool. This of one of my favorites of other posts--and that's saying something.

  2. Thanks Trey, thanks an awful lot! I've got more coming up! Stay Tuned!


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